abbiamo da sempre avuto attenzione per l'intero processo perché da sempre convinti che solo così possiamo garantire e assicurare una buona riuscita dei progetti. Attenzione al progetto, alla ricerca tecnologica, ai materiali, all'ambiente, ai processi organizzativi di realizzazione, alla salvaguardia dei lavoratori, ai tempi di realizzazione e al controllo economico sono le azioni che l'architetto, vero e unico regista di un progetto, ha il compito di assicurare ai propri clienti. Questa professionalità ci è stata più volte riconosciuta e da tempo il nostro studio si occupa anche di direzioni lavori, coordinamento di progetti, sicurezza in cantiere, alta sorveglanza, sviluppo esecutivo e costruttivio ed esecutivo architettonico , strutturale e impiantistico per altri studi.
we have always paid attention to the whole process because we have always been convinced that this is the only way we can ensure a successful project. Attention to the project, to the technological research, to the materials, to the environment, to the organizational processes of realization, to the safety of the workers, to the realization times and to the economic control are the actions that the architect, true and only director of the project, has to ensure for its customers. Our professionalism has been recognized many times and the studio has also dealt with construction supervision, project coordination, construction site safety, high surveillance, executive and construction development and architectural, structural and engineering executive for other studios.
we have always paid attention to the whole process because we have always been convinced that this is the only way we can ensure a successful project. Attention to the project, to the technological research, to the materials, to the environment, to the organizational processes of realization, to the safety of the workers, to the realization times and to the economic control are the actions that the architect, true and only director of the project, has to ensure for its customers. Our professionalism has been recognized many times and the studio has also dealt with construction supervision, project coordination, construction site safety, high surveillance, executive and construction development and architectural, structural and engineering executive for other studios.